67% of UK adults support the wind farms

British association RenewableUK commissioned a poll, which found that 67% of British adults support wind farms. Only 8% of respondents were against the construction of wind farms. The UK wind energy industry will use the survey against its critics in Parliament and the press. According to representatives of the RenewableUK association, it is undemocratic and economically harmful to allow the vocal minority, who disagrees with wind power plants, to block the British plans for the development of renewable energy sources.

The poll was conducted in the time some British newspapers and influential MPs turned back on the wind power, and demand the abolition of financial support for wind energy. Other organizations and individuals have warned against the negative impact of wind turbines on the appearance of the English countryside. However, the survey showed that most British find the presence of wind turbines in the landscape acceptable.


Article source Refocus - website of the Amercican magazine Renewable Energy Focus
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